
The Fall of Alpine

It was my favorite kind of day - gray, cool, cloudy, rainy (yeah, I'm kind of a depressing person) - so I decided to go on a walk and take some pictures from our neighborhood.

I would have loved to have been able to go home afterward and take a nap and then maybe make a cup of hot chocolate and read a book... But, well, I had homework and work and those two things always seem to be conspiring against my happiness.


My Music

It's been a particularly stressful semester, and I've been listening to a lot of classical music as a way to relax. These are two of my favorite new discoveries, and I listen to them almost every day (I actually discovered both of them when they were used to memorable effect in two different movies.) No guarantee that anyone else will like them, but I find them very beautiful and evocative. Neither, unfortunately, has a particularly exciting video (though the first does show the movie where I first heard the piece.)

Does the second piece remind anyone else of "Beauty and the Beast" for some reason?